What sources do you use for news or history from others'
points of view?
If the preacher is saying something interesting, I'll often watch for
a while. One morning, for example, the preacher was discussing the
*worst* sin possible -- the sin of unbelief. That kept me amused for
almost 10 minutes.
If someone wants me to see something from his viewpoint, though, I
will go to considerable lengths to find the material he recommends.
It's usually a waste of time, though, because the material is often
so laughable. Not too surprising, since if he isn't articulate
enough to explain it to me himself, then the book that persuaded
*him* won't do too much for *me*. (Carl Funk #1229)
The Kuran is a good book for commentaries on the bible, Also a good book to proof Khomeiny was a heretic, and that there is no need for many Muslim pratices.
Messages by Christians are often usefull, to shed light on subjects. Somebody
once suggested God could have created himself. This however is impossible unless
God does not exist. (something that already exists cannot be created) Hence Omnipotence is impossible.
However the best source of knowledge has been the theory of evolution.
It is - for instance - the only theory that can explain religion :)
Another good source is my Dutch/English dictionairy
Wetenschap = Science, Scholarship, learning, knowledge,
A sentence like "Science is not the best way towards knowledge" becomes
completely ridiculous when translated into Dutch. (Peter van Velzen #1107)
Now, when someone comes up with a way to do that on the internet,
hmmmmmmmm, looks like a future job prospect ;-) (Rev. Karl E. Taylor #1143)
My dad studied theology in university, so I ask him or my mother or
look at the theology books, his seven-volume Bibles and commentaries,
or his notes from school. My best friend is Wiccan and a
religious-studies junkie, so I ask him if I want a different
And of course, there's the pure hilarity of fanatical Christian websites,
although most of those don't represent sane Christians. (Alex #1951)
But, I guess, the question is mainly about theist points of view; here I use
the theists themselves. Ask them (if they didn't slam it in my face already),
read up on previous claims, check quotes. I don't read their press; on the
few ocassions I tried (Watchtower Magazine, the local "Új Ember" catholic
magazine), I got quickly disgusted. (Daneel #323)
There are many excellent atheist, agnostic, freethinker sites, most of which
you have listed on your website. I also use myYahoo as my homepage, which has
a feature called 'newsclipper'. It allows you to get just those news releases
dealing with subjects that are most interesting to you. I have one set up for
articles on religion, so I can keep an eye on the fundies.
Although there is so much drivel on these days, it is hard to filter out the
noise, but there are some good shows on TV. The History Channel, Discovery,
PBS, A&E have many good programs. For strict news, I find most reporting
leaning to the sensational, or 'human interest' stories. The exception is BBC
World News which I try to catch on PBS every night. I usually listen to NPR
radio in my car while going to and from work.
I also subscribe to two newspapers. The San Diego Union-Tribune, which has a
conservative slant, but I get mainly for the local news, and the LA Times.
Plus I have my books, magazines, newsletters and the like.
The problem is: So much information, so little time! (John Hachmann #1782
I will also ask people what they think of various topics if they have
shown me that they can be reliable.
[2] Regarding religious matters, what little I know of the matter has
been learned here on this group. Otherwise, the subject does not
interest me at all. (Erikc #002)
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