If humanity was dying out due to its own excesses and you , as
a scientist, found a way to save it, would you?
Seriously, I think survival is a natural instinct. Even some theists, despite
how much they talk about a wonderful afterlife, have a survival instinct. I
would like to leave a world for the future generations. Of course, my first
thought is my own children. That is just a part of the survival instinct, as well.
(ClayeSkye #4)
The question is kinda simplistic. Begs the question: at what cost? If I had to
risk dying horribly, that might change things.
How about the knowledge that fossil fuels are finite and that if we don't
discover controlled fussion power sources by the time FFs are gone, we're
fucked? (The Central Scrutinizer)
Even if it was a choice between us and every other animal on the planet, I'd
choose us. Nuke the whales, I am a humanist.
Of course, such a choice need not be presented. Humans would be a lot better off
if we preserved as many other species as possible, developed sustainable policies
for living on Earth and moved expansive, exploitative mining, manufacturing,
polluting industries into space. (Niall McAuley #36)
My ideal, though, would be some sort of selective salvation... You know.. like
those religious sorts keep harping on about, only inverted..
It *would* be nice if the Meme pool had a more selective filter on it 8).
(Linktavios #1797)
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