Is a world government a good idea?
Currently it seems every time one of these nincompoops appears on the radio or TV, they're reading from Revelations; you know, antichrist, beast, 666 and all that. And apparently one of the Signs of the Coming of the Antichrist will be... drum roll please... A ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT!
Honestly. Who'd want to be world president, knowing that a deranged fundie with a gun could be lurking literally round every corner? (Rob Cruickshank)
In either case, the executive of such an organization will need to have extensive power, and our selctivity of leaders will need to be much greater than it is now. Choosing a leader based on ideological differences will not be acceptable, so the world will have to enter a majorly nontheistic mindframe before such an endeavour can succeed.
Perhaps in 100 years. Definitely before 2200, unless we find some inexhaustible source of infinite food and power. (John Ashby #1668)
I see a creation of this kind of government as a gradual process of strenghtening economic and political ties of unions (such as European Union, a merge of Latin America cuntries, closer organization of Arabic and Asian nations, etc.) In other words, gradual reduction of number of countries, from 200, to 100, to 10, to 1. (Rostislav "Steve" Lyudmirsky #1060)
Just an example. In 1980 we took a train from Paris to Linz, and at each border guards came in to check passports. In 1995 I flew from Madrid to Amsterdam. There was a customs station - but no one was there. You just walked on through.
Did you realize that there has never been a famine in a democracy? A world government, with freedom, will save hundreds of millions of lives.
Finally, think of what we could do with all the money now spent on weapons. Humanity will never get to the stars until we stop fighting each other.
It might not be for a century, but I think it will happen. (Scott Davidson #1045)
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